Thursday, July 7, 2016

planes: a boy's first movie theater experience.

Last week was somewhat of a staycation for us. Michael took the week off of work - probably the last bit of time off he'll have for a long while - and we decided to hang out around home and try to relax. I had a hard time imagining that a few day trip to the beach, or anywhere else for that matter, would be relaxing with a preschooler and infant, so instead, we planned some fun things to do in the area.

During the week, Michael and I decided to each do something special and fun one-on-one with Asher. My date with him was taking him to the Disney Planes movie in the theater! I was so excited to bring him. Not only was he going to see a movie he would totally love, he would experience being in a movie theater for the first time!

On the way to the movie, we stopped by Target to pick up a little something to get him fired up. He picked out the specific toy.

It was so fun walking with him to our theater once we arrived, knowing this was all so new to him and trying to imagine what it must be like for him.
Got my ticket and plane!

Asher was so cute sitting in the seat next to me. He could barely see over the seats in front of him! The movie was about 90 minutes, and it held his attention for the most part. Towards the end he got a bit antsy, so he sat on my lap until it was over.
Watching intently

Enjoying the theater

After the movie we went to Chick-fil-a for a late lunch. The boy loves his waffle fries!
Love me some Chick-fil-a!

Overall it was such a fun time with him. I'm so glad to be his mommy.

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