Sunday, June 3, 2012

Things Loved in May

1. Simplicity Parenting.

I'm just barely halfway into this book, but it is inspiring a significant amount of change in our home. I recommend it to every parent with children at home. I have noticed a change in Asher already as well. He is playing more independently with the fewer toys we have out. And he is more focused as well.

2. Relaxing trip to Iowa.

We went home for Michael's brother's (Marcus') wedding. Michael officiated (and prepared a message for when we returned), so perhaps it was more relaxing for me. :)

I have been wanting a bread machine because my arms despise kneading bread. I received this machine from my parents who decided they (my dad) preferred the original one they've had for years. (Guess where they got it...that's right. me. Christmas gift. forever ago. I know how to pick 'em.)

4. Finishing Couch to 5k.

PTL. I made it. And I've continued to run for 30 minutes, 3 times a week.

This is amazing. I have no words to describe how delicious this bread is. Please try it. Please, please, please. You will thank me.

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