Saturday, March 13, 2010

20 Week Appointment

To answer the first question right off the bat - NO, we did NOT find out the gender. :)

Was so good to see our baby on the screen, seeing he or she just lounging and hanging out. Baby is right on track - 12 oz right now! Anatomy was perfect, doctor said. Heartbeat was 141. The doctor has us coming back in 6 weeks to take another look at the umbilical cord - he couldn't quite tell where it was attached (it attaches to the placenta 99% of the time). Baby was laying right alongside placenta, so no good views of insertion. We're trusting and believing that the cord is attached correctly, and trying not to worry - please join us in prayer for that!

Would you like to see a few pictures? :)

Beautiful profile

Cute little butt and legs!

Feet! Just over an inch long!

And a 3D picture of the face :)

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