Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Way-Back Wednesday

It is now time for me to end my way-back Wednesdays. This is not because I want to, necessarily, but I've run out of old pictures of me! They're all back in Iowa. 

I will leave you with a couple oldies though. They're not of me, but of my Grandma Jean as a baby, and of her and my Grandpa Chris. . .LOVE these pictures!

Stay tuned for another series beginning in a couple weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found out about the secret blogging - and enjoyed digging a bit deeper into you this gray, rainy (and now)thundering morning. I love your writing style; it seems to be an honest extension of your public persona...just more so, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I'm a new fan!

I hope Maine was relaxing.