Wednesday, November 28, 2007

First Holiday

So this Thanksgiving was not our first holiday as a married couple, but our first holiday away from our families. 1200 miles away from our families! What helped was that our friends Mindy and Chris came up from DC to spend the long weekend with us. We had a great time with them. And it made being away from "home" a little easier.

I was all ready with the ingredients for Thanksgiving dishes. . .when Mindy and Chris arrived Wednesday night, I thought we could clean the turkey to have it all ready to go into the oven on Thursday morning. My initial intentions were for Mindy and I to do it all (and we did 99% of the cooking on Thursday). But neither of us could handle cleaning the thing. It was completely nasty and smelly. Blech. Chris and Michael ended up doing most of it. lol. Mindy did actually rub butter all over the thing with her bare hands. WITH HER BARE HANDS! I ended up not touching the raw turkey one time. And I found out that for the rest of my life I will never clean a turkey.

Serious nastiness:

Mindy attempting to deal with our friend, Squantz:

Ah, this is how I like to see a turkey:

Thanksgiving Day prep:

Nice, huh?

Mindy *loves* leftover turkey:

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