Saturday, October 20, 2007


So, for a few days last week I was back in Sioux City to do some work at the bank. In the meantime, I got to spend time with family and friends. While I was back, I missed our 3rd anniversary. But Michael and I drove down to Philadelphia to spend the day before I flew back.

One place I wanted to hit up while we were down there is Ikea. I'd been to their website and heard that the store is awesome, but had never been to an actual store. Totally love it!

We got a couple of things for our place, and I really want to get some more. I snapped this picture of a bedframe I'd really like:

In the afternoon we headed to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell for some history lessons:

Then we went to dinner at a cute restaurant called City Tavern. Happy Anniversary Michael!

Oh, our new dryer came this past week. So far I've done 6 loads already since I've been home! I'll get some pictures once I've finished putting together the laundry room - and the rest of the apartment!

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