- Turned 30 during my 35th week. :)
- Hating this hot, humid weather.
- Noticing my feet and ankles swelling a bit - more during the weekdays.
- Thinking about packing my hospital bag and washing baby clothes.
- Hoping baby waits a few weeks to make its grand entrance.

- Mattress is purchased. :)
- Very happy to be checking things off my list (though it continues to grow and grow)
- Hating the hot weather. I'm done with summer this year.
- Very thankful for Michael always, and especially today!!!! Happy Father's Day, Michael!

- Baby weighed in at 4 pounds 12 ounces on Tuesday (according to the ultrasound measurements!)
- Got a nice start on the nursery - feeling like it's actually doable.
- Up until this week was feeling really good; now just feeling pretty good.
- Quality of sleep is going downhill fast.
- Thankful that our lives have slowed down a little bit!

- Had a wonderful and eventful week in Iowa for my shower and brother's wedding.
- Overwhelmed - I mean REALLY overwhelmed - with all I have to do before baby comes.
- About to get a better start on the nursery.
- Hoping to pick out a glider/rocker in the near future. Any suggestions?
- Wondering what position the baby is in right now - I feel kicks and punches from every direction!