When you write you lay out a line of words . . .the line of words is a hammer . . .the line of words feels for cracks in the firmament . . .the line of words fingers your own heart . . .you wield it, and it digs a path you follow (Annie Dillard, The Writing Life)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ok, so what's up with this?! I was putting some things away in my closet, and as I was about to leave the room, my eyes glanced over the bookshelf. I saw a a book that was called Jedi, or something. Why is there a book called Jedi sitting on my bookshelf? Isn't having movies with Jedi in them enough?!
I'm watching a Women of Faith conference on video - that's right. . .VHS! Melissa loaned it to me. And I just heard a little thing I had to share that's completely cracking me up:
"I do crafts. I'm a crafty woman. I do scrapbooking and photography and watercolors and, oh wait wait wait. Did I say I do crafts? No no, I mean I own crafts. Somebody pointed out that there is a difference in that. That it's a great leap from I do crafts to I own crafts. When I'm gathering up supplies to do a project I think I'm gonna do it. I mean to do it. But then something goes amiss. I either don't have two brain cells that are on speaking terms and I can't figure it out. Or halfway through I get bored with the whole thing, leaving a great clutter of stuff in my craft closet." -Patsy Clairmont, Irrepressible Hope
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Special Way-Back