Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I don't often come up with cute outfits to wear to work. But I did it today! Thought I'd share:

Ok, so what's up with this?! I was putting some things away in my closet, and as I was about to leave the room, my eyes glanced over the bookshelf. I saw a a book that was called Jedi, or something. Why is there a book called Jedi sitting on my bookshelf? Isn't having movies with Jedi in them enough?!

I'm watching a Women of Faith conference on video - that's right. . .VHS! Melissa loaned it to me. And I just heard a little thing I had to share that's completely cracking me up:

"I do crafts. I'm a crafty woman. I do scrapbooking and photography and watercolors and, oh wait wait wait. Did I say I do crafts? No no, I mean I own crafts. Somebody pointed out that there is a difference in that. That it's a great leap from I do crafts to I own crafts. When I'm gathering up supplies to do a project I think I'm gonna do it. I mean to do it. But then something goes amiss. I either don't have two brain cells that are on speaking terms and I can't figure it out. Or halfway through I get bored with the whole thing, leaving a great clutter of stuff in my craft closet." -Patsy Clairmont, Irrepressible Hope

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Way-Back Wednesday

Summer at 4 weeks!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Special Way-Back

My coworker Melissa brought this picture in to work in honor of my Way-Back Wednesdays. I had to post it! It's from her high school graduation.


I am completely aware that I haven't blogged a real post in quite some time. So as I sit here with my ice cream cone (upon which I continue to pour chocolate syrup - my new favorite thing!) I will attempt to update the world on my life and show some pictures that had been unseen until now. . .

Back in March, Michael and I traveled down to DC to visit our friends Chris and Mindy. We had a fun time sightseeing, shopping (girls), and hiking (boys).

In April, my sister graduated from college! I flew back to Iowa for a long weekend for the ceremony. It was so good to be back for a bit.

Girls' Beach Day was the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. It was a blast! We left at 7:00am for the Jersey Shore and got home around midnight! It was so fun to relax on the sand and walk around the boardwalk!

In May, Rachel graduated from college. Her party was just a couple of weeks ago.

This weekend has been nice and relaxing. Well, except for Friday night. After work I wanted to go to the mall to exchange something. So as I'm driving there, I'm jabbering on my phone to my friend Diana - I know, I know, it's bad - and I got totally lost. So after about 45 minutes of driving I finally arrived. I ran in to do my exchange, then, when I came back to the car and tried to start it. . .silence. That's right, it didn't even turn over! I was dreading this moment since we moved out here. It's bad enough when your car won't start, but when you have no one to come help you, it's even worse. I had Michael's cell phone with me because it's not working, and I needed to bring it into Verizon (it fell into the lake - along with Michael and me - during Rachel's party mentioned above when he tipped the canoe we were in), so I couldn't get a hold of him. I called several friends in the area - all I got were voicemails. So I called my dad. I don't know what I thought he was going to do from 1200 miles away, but it's instinct - what can I say?! As suspected, he suggested I find someone to jump it. By this time I was back in Macy's since it was 95 degrees outside. On my way back to the car I just prayed that someone would be getting back to a car near me very, very soon. Thankfully, a woman was in her car right next to me! And she knew how to maneuver the jumper cables! I was so, so thankful that she was willing to help me. I finally started back up and I nearly got home (30 minutes later) when it stalled again at a stoplight. A nice guy pushed the car around the corner and I walked home - it was just a couple blocks from our place. Later that night Michael pushed the car home. We brought it in to our mechanic and discovered that we needed a new battery, not service to the alternator, which we feared. So $130 later, our car is as good as new!

Looking forward, I have some fun things going on this summer. I'm going to be doing a Bible study with my new friend Amy - yay! My friend Jen from Iowa is coming to visit in a couple of weeks - woohoo! Can't wait! And in August, Callie is coming out to spend a couple of days with me before her job training in DC. Can't wait for that too!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Way-Back Wednesday

Not a super old-oldie, but a goodie!
Callie's birthday - November 21, 2004

***Stay tuned for another way-back later this week!!!***

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Way-Back Wednesday

Happy Halloween!