When you write you lay out a line of words . . .the line of words is a hammer . . .the line of words feels for cracks in the firmament . . .the line of words fingers your own heart . . .you wield it, and it digs a path you follow (Annie Dillard, The Writing Life)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Tribute
The Story of Two Very Different Sisters...
One is here; one lives there. One is a little taller than the other. They have two different colors of hair, two different outlooks on life, two very different views from their windows. Both have different tomorrows ahead. Each is unique in so many ways. Each has her own story, with all the busy things going on in the present. Each has different work to do, and different demands on the day. Each has a separate destination and a distinctly different path to get there. But...For all the things that might be different and unique about them... these two sisters will always share so much. They will always be the best of family AND friends, entwined together, through all the days of their lives. Their love will always be very special; gentle and joyful when it can be, strong and giving when it needs to be, reminding them, no matter how different their stories turn out...They share the incredibly precious gift of being "sisters." And when you think of some of the best things this world has to offer, a blessing like that is really... what it's all about.
-Laurel Atherton
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Random Updates
Well, I haven’t blogged in a while. That’s probably an understatement. I feel like I’ve been so busy, between work and church and commuting and The Office that’s started up again. Speaking of The Office – how good is that show?! Seriously! I have to admit I was incredibly disappointed with the first of the new shows that was on a couple weeks ago, but last weeks episode (on 4/17) was AWESOME! They packed so much funny goodness into 21 minutes, it’s amazing. By the way, Lost starts up again on Thursday, which I am incredibly excited about. My two favorite shows in one night! Can it get any better than that?! Uh-oh. I wonder if they’re on at the same time on different channels. . .
I am flying back home on Thursday afternoon for a long weekend to see my sister graduate from college. That’s right – college! Totally weird. I feel so old. Can’t wait to see everyone.
I’ve been noticing lately that there are some very cool trees out here in PA. Some of what I think are Japanese Cherry Blossoms. . .don’t know for sure if that’s the name, but I recall seeing a picture on a bottle of lotion from Bath and Body Works by the same name. Other cool trees too. Like small versions of Weeping Willows with pink blossoms on them. Others that are smallish with lots of white blossoms. I’m loving all the flowers! I think all the blossoms will fall off in a little while, leaving just the tree with leaves. But I’m really trying to enjoy them in the meantime.
We’ve had wasps in our apartment. I think we found about 5 within a two day period. And Michael killed them all because I’m a weenie.
Our laptop crashed last week. That was a real treat. I didn’t have too much saved on there; thankfully I had saved most of my pictures to CDs a month or two ago. But unfortunately, Michael had many of his old sermons and church work stuff on there. To top it off, he was 95% finished with his message for this past Sunday, which was, of course, saved on the laptop.
I cut my hair short. Not intentionally. I went to a cool place to get it colored and trimmed. The color turned out great – I went darker. . .closer to my natural color. But she cut it really weird. WAY too many and very short layers. It looked like I had a mullet on the right side of my head. I went back a couple days later because I just couldn’t handle it. The next girl I saw cut up the bottom to make it look more normal. So now I have a hair length that’s a few inches above my shoulders. Don’t you just love when that happens? Especially when you’re trying to grow out your hair? (And you’ve communicated that to the hairstylist?!) The end result isn’t bad. In fact, I kind of like it curly; it’s fun. Just depressing to think that this is the exact same haircut I had my senior year of college. And sad when I’m looking in the mirror and see that, though it’s the same cut, I look completely different – then realize it’s because I’m older. And look it.
I am flying back home on Thursday afternoon for a long weekend to see my sister graduate from college. That’s right – college! Totally weird. I feel so old. Can’t wait to see everyone.
I’ve been noticing lately that there are some very cool trees out here in PA. Some of what I think are Japanese Cherry Blossoms. . .don’t know for sure if that’s the name, but I recall seeing a picture on a bottle of lotion from Bath and Body Works by the same name. Other cool trees too. Like small versions of Weeping Willows with pink blossoms on them. Others that are smallish with lots of white blossoms. I’m loving all the flowers! I think all the blossoms will fall off in a little while, leaving just the tree with leaves. But I’m really trying to enjoy them in the meantime.
We’ve had wasps in our apartment. I think we found about 5 within a two day period. And Michael killed them all because I’m a weenie.
Our laptop crashed last week. That was a real treat. I didn’t have too much saved on there; thankfully I had saved most of my pictures to CDs a month or two ago. But unfortunately, Michael had many of his old sermons and church work stuff on there. To top it off, he was 95% finished with his message for this past Sunday, which was, of course, saved on the laptop.
I cut my hair short. Not intentionally. I went to a cool place to get it colored and trimmed. The color turned out great – I went darker. . .closer to my natural color. But she cut it really weird. WAY too many and very short layers. It looked like I had a mullet on the right side of my head. I went back a couple days later because I just couldn’t handle it. The next girl I saw cut up the bottom to make it look more normal. So now I have a hair length that’s a few inches above my shoulders. Don’t you just love when that happens? Especially when you’re trying to grow out your hair? (And you’ve communicated that to the hairstylist?!) The end result isn’t bad. In fact, I kind of like it curly; it’s fun. Just depressing to think that this is the exact same haircut I had my senior year of college. And sad when I’m looking in the mirror and see that, though it’s the same cut, I look completely different – then realize it’s because I’m older. And look it.
UPDATE: We were able to get everything off of our old hard drive! The tech guy at my work recommended buying a particular device, and it worked. PTL.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Way-Back Wednesday

6-Month Update
We have been out in PA for exactly six months this past Sunday. It has really gone by quickly! The adjustment has been much less difficult than I had anticipated. And now I’m employed permanently (as of Monday, thank you very much) after 4 months of temping! I’m still trying to find a balance of work and life at home. Working so far from where I live (a 45 minute drive) is pretty tough. I don’t really see anyone back in Bangor throughout the week, except for Sunday mornings! But Life Groups are starting this week (like adult small groups), so that will get me out and connected a little more.
The next few weekends will be fun for me too. This Saturday Rachel and I are going shopping. Yay! Shopping! It’s been so long! (I did go with Mindy a few weeks ago in DC, but we were so exhausted – and a little cranky – from sightseeing the day before, that we didn’t live up to our shopping potential.) I will be fully rested and ready to go in three days! Then we’re having dinner at their place.
The next big event is the start of new Office episodes on April 10. I’m not going to try to communicate my excitement for this through my blog, because I would fail miserably. I have waited months for this!
Then the following Saturday I have a hair appointment in Stroudsburg; I’m going to a lady at Ken & Company at the recommendation of Kim, a friend (and the worship leader) from church. I don’t know that I’ve ever been so excited for a hair appointment! It’s a combination of desperately needing something done to this mop on my head, finding out that the cost is no different than what I paid back in Iowa, and wanting to be a little bit pampered.
The NEXT Saturday I’m going down to a church in Easton for this one-day Women’s Retreat. Very excited for this too. There’ll be speakers, a nummy lunch from Chick-fil-a, and a couple seminars – I signed up for a craft to make a spring wreath and a hospitality workshop thing.
THEN on the 24th I fly to Des Moines to see my little sister graduate from college! I’ll get a long weekend with the whole fam. And I’ll get to see a couple friends in good ole SC. Needless to say, I’m counting down the days.
Before I get too far ahead of myself (well, it’s a little late for that!) this week I’m trying to focus on finishing up our taxes. I have to admit that I’m quite proud of myself for figuring it all out. For the past couple of years we’ve gone to a lady in SC to do them. But now, of course, she’s 1200 miles away and we’re on our own! (Yes, I could’ve found someone out here, but I want to save the money this year!) At the recommendation of our friend Paul, I went to www.freetaxusa.com to prepare our forms. Well, when I saw that we were going to get an outrageously high amount back in a refund, I figured out that it didn’t do one of the schedules that we need to include. ANYWAY, I went back to a pencil, paper, and calculator and am finishing them up that way. I am so cool.
The next few weekends will be fun for me too. This Saturday Rachel and I are going shopping. Yay! Shopping! It’s been so long! (I did go with Mindy a few weeks ago in DC, but we were so exhausted – and a little cranky – from sightseeing the day before, that we didn’t live up to our shopping potential.) I will be fully rested and ready to go in three days! Then we’re having dinner at their place.
The next big event is the start of new Office episodes on April 10. I’m not going to try to communicate my excitement for this through my blog, because I would fail miserably. I have waited months for this!
Then the following Saturday I have a hair appointment in Stroudsburg; I’m going to a lady at Ken & Company at the recommendation of Kim, a friend (and the worship leader) from church. I don’t know that I’ve ever been so excited for a hair appointment! It’s a combination of desperately needing something done to this mop on my head, finding out that the cost is no different than what I paid back in Iowa, and wanting to be a little bit pampered.
The NEXT Saturday I’m going down to a church in Easton for this one-day Women’s Retreat. Very excited for this too. There’ll be speakers, a nummy lunch from Chick-fil-a, and a couple seminars – I signed up for a craft to make a spring wreath and a hospitality workshop thing.
THEN on the 24th I fly to Des Moines to see my little sister graduate from college! I’ll get a long weekend with the whole fam. And I’ll get to see a couple friends in good ole SC. Needless to say, I’m counting down the days.
Before I get too far ahead of myself (well, it’s a little late for that!) this week I’m trying to focus on finishing up our taxes. I have to admit that I’m quite proud of myself for figuring it all out. For the past couple of years we’ve gone to a lady in SC to do them. But now, of course, she’s 1200 miles away and we’re on our own! (Yes, I could’ve found someone out here, but I want to save the money this year!) At the recommendation of our friend Paul, I went to www.freetaxusa.com to prepare our forms. Well, when I saw that we were going to get an outrageously high amount back in a refund, I figured out that it didn’t do one of the schedules that we need to include. ANYWAY, I went back to a pencil, paper, and calculator and am finishing them up that way. I am so cool.
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